I call myself retired, but I'm really not. I'm semi-retired and working part time. I substitute in two different school districts. I love doing it. It's a perfect part-time job... well, almost perfect.
For several reasons, some of which are my own fault, I have not had as many sub jobs as I would have liked this school year. As a result, my income has been very sporadic, and not very substantial.
We could afford to have me retire, but not fully. I knew I'd have to work at something. This year has been an experiment, of sorts. The subbing would be perfect if I could guarantee I'd get two or three days per week. But that hasn't happened.
So,I am re-inventing myself as a retired person. I have been job hunting! I have some easy options available to me, but again for several reasons, I don't want to do them. So I've been looking out there in the world for jobs. I applied for three jobs and have not heard from them yet. There's still time, but of the three I really would only want one of them, and another one maybe.
Last week I went to a 4th possibility -- a job open house -- and got hired on the spot! It's temporary and part time, sort of. I'll be working on projects, and while a project is happening, I have to work full time. At the end of the project I can sign up for the next project if I want, but I don't have to. I am now employed full time for the next two weeks. That feels odd! I'm afraid I'll get too tired! Isn't that funny? I worked full time for years and years. Now after ten months being semi-retired, the thought of full time is a little daunting.
I'm still in the process of re-inventing how I can make this retirement thing work. It has been good, bad, boring, fun, and a little stressful. It's the fluctuating income that is harder to deal with than we had predicted.
So off to work I go! I'm back to packing lunches. I hope we have enough peanut butter on hand!
I retired for the first time in 2002 and didn't like it at all. All my friends were at school and working. I did lots of sub work and when a teacher left I went back to work. The second time I retired in 2007 it worked out much better. I hope enjoy your "temporary full time" job.
Since you have a 4 yr degree...I bet you could also subbed in the classroom.. but anyway..are you going to work thru the summer too???
Sounds like a good job for you Carole- You will get to try different things and you know it has a finite ending for new challenges. Retirement is an adjustment I am told- I am not there yet but could retire soon. We aren't in the position for me to retire for a few years and I still enjoy being in the classroom. Everyone finds the right time for them.
Good luck with your new endeavors.
I'm curious to hear more about your new job...what sort of "projects" will you be working on?? Could be fun! Good luck!
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