This has been the happiest summer I can remember in a long time. It was fabulous in so many ways!
Beth gave me the idea of re-capping my summer with a few photos. Here goes:
I attended Obama's speech in St. Paul

Weather this summer was fantastic, and if I remembered to water them, my flowers did great.

Super fun reunion with my pals

Another fun reunion - former students and staff - approx 20 years since we'd all seen each other

Great vacation at Lutsen - I'd go back any day

Raised a family of baby wrens in our bird house

Actually worked on writing my autobiography. Why? Because I'm in my 50's and feeling reflective. Do NOT look for this in any bookstores, ever.

Son and Girlfriend got engaged!

Had lots of time for sewing, and gathered 30 quilts to take to Rosebud.

Life-altering mission trip to Rosebud & Pine Ridge

Fun family times; swimming, boating; beautiful days & beautiful sunsets

My mom is in good health!

In one more week I go back to work, so it's time to say farewell to my free time and my most enjoyable summer in recent memory. I love fall, but it's sad to see the end of a great summer. I hope yours was great, too.