Meet Connie, Linda, and Karen. Just the other day we were high school girls. Now we are grandmas (some of us)! Hard to believe how fast time flies! I was pals with these three nice women in high school, along with Becky, who is absent. Becky died in a car crash a few years ago. We realized then that we had let too much time pass and that we needed to reunite. The first time we got back together, it had been 30-some years since we'd all seen each other! We sat there, missing Becky, but giggling about how funny it was to see us all with our same familiar faces, slightly altered.
Since then we try to get together once or twice a year. I am so grateful that we have re-connected. It's nice to know them as adults. I can still learn from them! And just to have some pals who can laugh with me about being this age... it sure is nice. Some of my other friends are younger than I am. I love them dearly, but there is something comforting about having friends all my same age. It just slays me that these three and I will soon all be eligible for senior citizen discounts, Elder Hostel travels, retirement, being grandmas.
Here's a fun perk: Karen and I have both turned into quilters! We have exchanged a few fabric postcards. Here is a display at a local quilt shop. She asked customers to send in postcards, and in exchange we got one from the shop owner. This is the display of what came in. I think I showed you mine earlier (if I remember correctly, without checking back).. can you find it in this display?