In the process of sorting scraps, I found a zillion things I'd forgotten about such as blocks I didn't even know I had! Someone must have donated them at one time.. but I have no idea who or when! (I re-gifted them to someone else who asked for "pot luck" blocks. Ha! Easy way to clean!) And projects I left half started and completely forgotten, which is quite a regular habit of mine. And always, going through scraps motivates me to start sewing!
This is what I did... soon it'll be a scrappy "coins" quilt. And I have another top almost assembled. I'll show that to you in the next day or two.

Oh! And now that Christmas is over, I can show you this doll quilt I made for Little, daughter of Walk. I know, don't some people name their kids funny? Little and Walk! Sheesh! Come to think of it, my dad used to call me Little - Lit for short. (That's my old bride doll in the picture, circa 1960.)
My gosh, my golly, it's nearly 2009 and I haven't made any resolutions! Guess what. I don't like to. They just depress me, because I never accomplish them. So to avoid the guaranteed downer on myself, I just don't make resolutions.
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year! We like to celebrate in a very exciting way: stay home! Avoid drunk drivers, enjoy the peace and quiet, and on New Year's Day we take down the Christmas tree and also, if we're motivated, we go through our files and clean out junk so that we can start the New Year off right - with fewer paper piles devouring us. We are the Party Animals on our block as you can see.
Now to get used to writing 2009. (I confess, sometimes I still start writing 19-- when I have to write the date.)
Sounds like you survived another snowy Tuesday... I read... and blogged... Little does love her doll quilt...
PS: In response to the comment on my blog...I rarely if ever keep resolutions. I just like to think about changes...usually it goes that do it more for the tradition...I even make my students come up with a school related one and my they LOVE that!
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