1) It's FRIDAY, pay day, AND the beginning of a 16-day weekend: my two-week break from work! What could be better??? I plan to sleep, read, sew, and visit my mom.
2) I got the last of my Christmas shopping done after work today. I also bought some groceries - extra stuff that will get us through Christmas (I hope), not to mention through the next couple of days of a snowstorm (predicted up to 8 inches of snow here by Sunday). There is nothing I love more than being snowed in, all snug and warm, with a kitchen stocked full of groceries, and no worries about having to leave and drive in the mess. When one doesn't have to drive in it, a snowfall is GORGEOUS!
3) I am bummed that our Wood Guy has not shown up yet this year. He stops here every year or two, to sell us wood for our fireplace. Last year we told him we were set for the year. Now we need wood, and we're having a real wintery-winter in which we could enjoy fires in the fireplace. But where's our Wood Guy?? (I can't remember his name, of course.)
4) The tail end of my work day was so fun... a student came in with a GLOWING report of her accomplishments at a training program. She was very pleased, and we were all so happy for her. I gave her a poinsettia to take home. I had inherited it from the office, but I thought she deserved it more, and I think she liked it, because she gave me a hug. Great way to end my day/week/calendar year at work!
5) I have such nice friends! I'm thankful for them all.
I love the pictures you post! They give me a pick me up when I need them. Enjoy your break and Christmas! You are a great friend and I can't wait to see you on the 30th!
We stocked up on groceries today too. I hope we get lots of snow tomorrow!
I got groceries, too... I have a couple gifts left to buy... mostly because I am so forgetful...anyway... bring on the snow...I can't wait!
Enjoy your break, hope you manage to locate the woodman and that you don't get snowed in for too long.
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