I have this thing going... not sure I like it. I kept playing with it, adding to it, changing it. When I got all done I wasn't very happy. What do you think? What should I do with it, or is it OK as is?
One question I have is about this little kid and dog. I felt that the bottom half of this quilt was too much boring white. So I added them. But, are they ridiculously small?
Too small for the scale of the house and snowman? I know, I'm not trying to depict realism here. After all, the snowman is nearly as tall as the house. But... are they too too tiny?
Another idea is to add words to the bottom... so it would say "Snow.." (on the top) "...on Snow" (on the bottom). Words from "In the Bleak Midwinter."
What do you think? Help!
I really like the kid and dog -- just not on this quilt. :-( For me, I wonder if the quilt would be more interesting if the focal point wasn't so centered... there's nothing to encourage my eye to move around... maybe some beading or sequins to glitter would also lieven it up?
I would probably have put the boy in the doorway and the dog in the window. "How much is the doggie in the window?" Lol. Words on the bottom might be good.
I love the words! If it were mine...I would definitely use more words like you suggested. Or questioned. Perhaps even a wordie larger outer border/s? In addition, I do like QP's idea of off-setting the focal point.
Good luck! It's looking terrific!
ask lots of people, get lots of different answers... my two cents?,the word "Snow" at the top and the slant of the snowflakes, is sort of making it all sliiide off to the right. I'd make the W BIGGER like the S, to square it off and keep you in the picture. SnoW... the dark blue W larger will help balance the slant of the house... Its really cute. Love that house and snowman, and the snow bank/drift is great! the batik border works really subtly too!
I'd take the boy and dog off and then applique a tree or a bush that overlapped the side of the house. That would put a bit of 'weight' on the bottom of the quilt and you wouldn't have to do anything else. A tree with a pointy top would point the eye upward to the snowflakes and then the word snow and then down the right side snowflakes and to the house. This gives the eye a path to follow. HTH.
I think Paula has several good points. I also think that the blue in the outside border is kind of wishy washy colorwise...maybe something more bright blue like the blue in the first S would give it a little bit of zing.
I do think the boy and his sled are too small. You need something bigger and brighter along the bottom, there's an awful lot of white going on. Either some trees like Paula said, or maybe some big bright mittens??
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! It's perfect!
The boy and dog seem out of sync with the rest of the quilt style. I might just hack off the bottom few inches. Adding applique now when everything else is pieced might seem strange. Just ditch the boring stuff and keep the stuff you love! I would LOVE to see this with red binding, I think it would really punch it up!
Whatever you do, it is charming and it will be so lovely! Done is better than perfect, eh?
So as soon as I caught a glimpse of it, I thought,"Fun! Snow quilt!"
In response to your feedback request...
I didn't even notice the boy and the dog...so might be too small. Their size, shape, style is very different from everything else that's bold and angular.
I like Christina's idea for a red border! Would have NEVER thought of that!
An observation...the center block stands out from the rest because of the tones are more tan.
I love the border fabric and the "snow" fabric. Also, I love the words to that song, so I'm a little partial...might be a nice touch. Maybe smaller?
Are all of us giving you TOO many possibilities? It think it is pretty darn cute already! Hope you have fun playing!
just some thoughts. the applique doesn't work for me - too small. Seems like there isn't enough breathing room at the top. I'd take off the border and add more background on the sides and top. Then on the bottom? Maybe more words as you suggested or else cut off a few inches. I'd do that after adding the extra at teh top. You could always add the extra words in stem stitch through all the layers. you've got some great elements here - keep at it!
You've had lots of great ideas offered already. I agree that the boy and dog are too small. I like Tonya's suggestions, and the idea for red binding. Fun fun!
Lots of suggestions so I won't add to the list. Only to say I like the idea of the red binding and I agree that the boy and the dog are too small.
I would add another border, of SNOW KONA white! Looks fab!
I like the applique. It looks like he's just the right size to fit through that door. I'm not crazy about the teal border, though. Perhaps a dark navy, if you're putting a border on at all. I agree with Tonya on the background- more of it! Great work!
How about some blue "shadow drifts" in the snow at the bottom to balance out the top blue a little? Got any sparkles? Sparklies never hurt a snow scene. :-)
I like Paula's idea, but do salvage the kid and dog for another quilt.
I'd move the dog and boy closer to the house door, and then add several trees in front of one another (for depth) somewhere where the boy/dog are originally. It's pretty cute!
How about moving the boy and dog farther back, as if they are in the distance? I think a red binding would bring it home. But then, I think a red binding improves everything.
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