someone is ready for Christmas (not me!)
The weekend went by WAY too fast. I didn't get a lot done... a little of this, a little of that, and the Christmas tree still isn't up! Today we attended our son's *last* college choir Christmas concert. It was fabulous! Brought me to tears several times. I think it's the best Christmas concert of his college career. What a wonderful choir, and I'm overjoyed that he got to have that amazing musical experience. The choir is going to Great Britain next month! How lucky can you be?! (Again, I'm overjoyed for him.)
Tomorrow, boo hoo, is Monday. Ah, me. It IS nice that I'm able to pay my bills, and I do that by going to work even when I don't want to on Mondays (and Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and Thursdays, etc).
I am happy you enjoyed your son's concert... NOW get that tree up! Ours is thawing out in the garage! Tomorrow it goes up!
put up xmas lights. that's been on my list of the past week...might be another before I get to it!
that's awesome about your son! how exciting!
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