Yesterday I finished Grace (Eventually) Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott. I love this book! I love Anne Lamott! She is preciously flawed and open, honest, and always struggling, just like everyone else. Even though she found Christianity, it never gets super easy for her. She just keeps plugging along, holding onto her faith, and trying to make good decisions. Just like the rest of us. I love her books for that reason... she's so normal and isn't afraid to admit it.
I made a few quilt blocks, some were more successful than others. The process is fun, even if each block is not a masterpiece.
I've been struggling with my old bug-a-boo, depression, again. It's not bad, not serious. I just have this little black cloud hovering over me lately. I need a good high pressure front to come swooping in from Canada and blow that cloud away. It'll happen (eventually).... just like Anne Lamott's Grace (Eventually)!