Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Books: Four Wives

This week's book is The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin. This is a good book! I enjoyed it very much. A man in Nigeria has three wives, then he takes in a fourth wife, and things get riled up. The first three had worked out a way to live together "comfortably" ... in quotes because, can a polygamist life ever be truly comfortable for the wives? Anyway, when the fourth one comes, it upsets their apple cart, and the fallout is sometimes comical, sometimes sad and tragic, and always interesting.

This book is written in a light, readable, easy style. Be prepared for change of narrators as chapters flow. I recommend this book for a good summer read, on the train or on the beach.. it's good enough to capture your attention but not too deep to ruin your vacation mood.

I give it 4 of 5 stars.

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