I just returned from a week in Atlanta, Georgia. I stayed with my friend, JS, and I also stayed a few nights in a downtown hotel. We attended a national interpreters' conference.
Amazingly, this is the 4th national conference I have been to! They take place every two years. I used to never even consider going, but once I experienced one, I saw the enormous value in them. The main benefit is collecting loads of CEUs in one week, so that the accumulation of CEUs does not become stressful at the end of my certification cycle.
Also, of course, there is the socializing and networking, and being right there when new decisions are made and new research is revealed. It can be pretty amazing.
This year the particular workshops I chose to attend were on the boring side, but I'm not letting that dampen my enthusiasm for the national conferences. As I get further along my road of retirement, I may not need to attend any more of these, but I might want to try, just for the fun of it!
inside of the hotel.. it has 47 floors!
Peachtree Center in downtown Atlanta
conference opening ceremony
We had some great Southern food! This is fried green tomatoes. They were delish!
crab cakes and grits
I couldn't go to Atlanta and NOT have a piece of pecan pie!
our waiter at "Pitty Pat's Porch" - we had a blast and the food was great!
networking with interpreters from Georgia
more "terps"
two more terps- of GA and of MN
I had enough time to visit the Martin Luther King, Jr., Historical Site
It's so interesting, and I'm so glad I went!
This is the house in which Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in 1929, and he lived there up to age 12.
While searching out a lunch site, I spotted this door. How cute! It didn't seem to lead to anything that was currently open for business.
I ran into Rhett Butler! He insisted on kissing me.
Of course, I had to show you some fabric creations. I finished one hat and made a second from start to finish. Knitting is a great activity to do while listening in workshops!Now I'm home, sweet home, and glad to be back!
Can't tell you how impressed I am that you not only SAW Rhett, but he insisted on kissing you. You have all the fun!
Love this post! For lost of reasons: the knitting, the kissing, MLK, the terps, the pie, the grits. You made me smile. Welcom home!
This was fun for me to read and now I'm determined to visit the MLK Center. I've been here almost 11 years and have never been there!
One bad thing, now I'm craving some PECAN PIE!!
Great to have you here and it is cool to see pictures of you with my GA pals! :-)
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