Saturday, February 15, 2014


Here is the surprise that I could not tell you about earlier. I am in a knitting/crocheting group at church, and one of our members was diagnosed with cancer. She immediately started chemo and radiation. We wanted to make her a prayer shawl, because that's what we do! But we often take months to make and complete a prayer shawl (working individually on prayer shawls that each of us makes as we wish).

This one was to be a collaborative shawl, and we had to get it done fast. I was lolling around in the Caribbean when the others went yarn shopping. They starting work while I was gone. When I came back, I got the yarn (beautiful!) and my assignment. They let me make my strip narrower so that I could have a fighting chance of getting it done in a week. I had to make it 72 inches long. Let me tell you, I was afraid I'd have to give it to her as a scarf. I have never knitted something 72 inches long in just one week in my life!!

Well, I set aside chunks of time. Turned on some movies on Amazon Prime.. and knitted my little heart out. And I got it done! Whew! It was fast, I was amazed that I got it done, and it was beautiful. None of us really knew how to attach the strips together, but we went for it, and had a fun session in which we all worked on different parts. We didn't know until the very last stitch if it was going to look good or not.

Done... we picked it up... one person modeled it... and we were in AWE! It was a miracle! It turned out gorgeous!!! We gave it to our friend on Thursday. She was touched and loves it. She's heading into a week of chemo, and dreading it. She had a week of it early on, so now she knows what to expect... yuck-dom. We wanted her to have this shawl to cuddle in.


Debra Dixon said...

Beautiful shawl and generous gesture. I hope it helps your friend be well.

Brenda said...

great shawl. I'm interested in your process -- are the strips various widths? is this self striping yarn?

Anonymous said...

STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!! Thinking good thoughts for your friend, too.