Our Christmas dinner dessert - individual cheesecakes with fresh raspberries! Yum!

This is a guy I work with and his guide dog. They are both trying out a quilt I made. He had asked if I could make a quilt for his wife. He is worried about her health and thought a quilt to cuddle in would be a nice comfort. I had this one almost done, so I sold it to him for a bargain price. I'm glad it is going to his wife - she and I used to work together years ago, before she was married and even before she became blind. Small world, isn't it?!

Today we are headed over to my sister's house for another family gathering. Fun, fun fun! Hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas Day. I read through all the Mavs' blogs this morning. It was so nice to see all your pictures, your trees, your food, your laundry (haha), and to hear about your traditions. You are a talented bunch!! TTFN.
What a joy your workmate's wife had when she opened her quilt! Quilts are lovely to look at...but even more wonderful to touch.
How fun to share a knitting session with your grown children! (Both bags are a hit!)
So, inquiring minds want to know... did he pick the pink/purple one or the one with they yellow stripes? :)
I love the picture of your son. Mine is still quite wee (3.5 yrs--he always adds the half), and it is amazing to think he'll be this big one day!
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