I managed to put together a UFO top while I was sick. I worked at it slowly when I had energy, and just got the top done this morning. Here it is. I guess I will quilt it in time to hang in my guild's show in February, then decide what to do with it.

I am also getting borders on my Tonya-Letters Sampler so I can get that done and hang it in the show, too. This year I will have mostly wall hangings in the show as that has been my new-found love, making small, quick quilts that don't turn into UFOs for years and years.
Hope you all are healthy and that you have safe and happy holidays.
Love the pink and purple quilt! Sorry you're sick - not a good time of year to feel yukky! You commented on Beta at my blog, but it was a 'no-reply' thing and I can't find your email address. I understand Beta to mean "testing phase". There are a couple of new features and posting a new message is a bit quicker, but I never had problems before so it's not made a huge amount of difference to me. Apparently Blogger is forcing everyone to change in the next few weeks, when they'll drop the "beta" and just be "blogger" again. I find if I sign in to my own blog first, I have no problems commenting on other blogs etc.
I'm glad you are finally feeling better. Your new quilt is much the same colors that I'm working with right now. Very pretty!
Love the purples! Wall hangings are definitely a good thing.
That's too funny! I just finished the binding last night on a very similar quilt. I like yours better!!
Judy L.
beautiful colors - it's lovely.
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