Friday, February 17, 2017

More Sewing

I have been churning out quilt tops. I send them to Quilts Beyond Borders. I found a coordinator there who has many quilters to help her finish tops. I love making tops; the quilting is a big hurdle for me. I am thrilled that I can send just tops. I'll be able to make a lot more this way.

Here are some more that I have created:

The first one is made with blocks I won in a Lotto at Sunshine. The green one -- would you believe I made those green blocks in 1999? I was a newbie quilter then. Those are some of the first blocks I ever made. It's time they had an adventure of their own, so off they go, to see the world. The strippy one made of squares.. I got a whole load of 2.5 inch strips in a wonderful fabric sale. They were practically free. I started that one on my "knitting retreat" at which I did more sewing than knitting. Finished it today. It got boring - so many seams!! I'll have to come up with something more interesting for the rest of the zillion strips I have.

1 comment:

Nann said...

Isn't it nice to turn not-loved-so-much blocks into quilts? They'll be gratefully received by the agency. And now you can make some more! When I am confronted with a lot of strips and/or if I want to sew but I don't feel creative I make HeartStrings blocks. (