I ended up not sewing at all, but I finished the hat I had started on Saturday. I also found a hat I had forgotten about and finished that one, too. I need someone to teach me how to make pom-poms, because some of my hats need them. Pom-poms are good for hiding flaws or opening that I failed to pull closed tightly enough.
Oh... I had fun shopping at a Border's bookstore that is closing. These were only 30% off, but I felt like that was a pretty good deal. (There went my determination to NOT buy any more books 'til I make progress working through my bookshelf.) There were still good books to choose from, but they were quickly getting picked over. Once the sale percentage goes up, I am thinking the selection will be pretty sparse. Now I have enough books to read for the next five years. I better plan some relaxing vacations so I can READ.
I read Ladies of the Lake and started and perhaps finished Torilla Curtain! I use to make pom poms...for my rollerskates back in the day!
I used to make the pom-poms for my mom when she'd knit hats because I didn't know how to knit. Although I am tempted by the deals at the Borders closing at our mall, I am using all my self restraint NOT to buy any more books until my bedside stack is a little bit smaller...I was zipping through the A to Z challenge and then hit a slump...
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