Friday, April 16, 2010

A Ribbon 'Round the World

This is so cool. A friend of mine, Jody, sent this email post to a list I'm on. I hope she's OK with me posting her message verbatim. Check out her little tutorial video (it's her voice you will hear). It's very neat! I'm going to add an image to Planetfesto. You can, too! Read on to see how....

from Jody:

Earth Day is coming up next week, April 22nd.

This morning I was digging through some notes to myself about project ideas for work. (If you're not familiar with what I do "for a living," the short story is that I create tutorial movies for about technology projects that teachers can do with their students.) I came across some scribblings about the PlanetFesto Web site and thought that it would be a great Earth Day project, but didn't know if I would be able to produce a tutorial and have it published on the AtomicLearning Web site in time for Earth Day next week. The guy who writes blog posts for Atomic Learning said that he could post it on the Atomic Learning blog more quickly than it could be published on the regular Web site. This was great news, because the blog is more public anyway -- you need to be a subscriber to view most of the tutorials on the Atomic Learning Web site -- so that meant that it could ultimately reach more people. Yippie!

So ... I made the little movie this morning and Clint had it posted to YouTube and the Atomic Learning blog by 1:30 this afternoon!

To view my little movie (it's about 3 minutes long), visit the Atomic Learning blog at:

PlanetFesto is an online collaborative project that anyone can take part in. Participants add an image to a virtual "ribbon" that is encircling the Earth, and write a few sentences about what they love about the Earth and what they will do to try to protect it. It is very easy to add your own image, which will add 6" of length to the ribbon.

The blog page also contains links to the PlanetFesto Web site and more information about the project.

Celebrate the Earth!


Thanks for the great Earth Day idea, Jody! Let's see how many times we can circle the planet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea, Carol! Yes, I am absolutely okay with you posting the message and the asking people to add to the ribbon of images ... the more the merrier!