Today our temps climbed above freezing for the first time since late December. Oh, it was gorgeous!! Take a look at this ... I know the photo is blurry, but it's the only one I captured today, though I saw MANY people in similar attire. Trust a Minnesotan to pull out the shorts and the sandals the minute the temps soar above freezing! It got all the way up to 45 degrees F... true shorts weather after you've been freezing your butt off at sub zero temps for too long.
I ran a few errands, and it was such a beautiful day that I dawdled and took side trips. I drove past the first apartment building hubby and I lived in after we got married. The building used to be a hospital, so it was a nice, solid building. We had BIG windows and lived in a corner unit. It had really great air flow. The day we moved out, I turned around to take a farewell look and wished we weren't moving away!
While in the neighborhood, I decided to stop in here for some lunch. I had a gyro. This used to be a little corner grocery store when we lived in the neighborhood.
Here is the new football stadium they are building on the U of M campus. Yes, an open air stadium in Minnesota. Personally I think that is nuts, but who am I? I rarely go to the games, so my opinion is worth diddly. But I know this.. I'll be even less inclined to go to an outside game when it's snowing and my nostril hairs are freezing.
All in all, today was a great Saturday. Hubby and I slept in, I got to see Mary again briefly and even meet her hubby! (The quilt she helped us finish is gorgeous in person! Wow!) The rest of the time I have been sewing. I'm getting bindings done today. Tomorrow I hope to spend some time sewing with Sunshine: a Super Bowl Sew-in.
Thanks for the prayers for little Emmy. She still needs prayers, and so does her family. They are really struggling. Please read her mommy's post here, and continue the prayers. It's a scary time!
dh wore shorts yesterday, too...Little walked the dog with no jacket on...ready to shoot her...but is sure was nice!
The sun is out, the daffs are nearly out and I get the feeling that shorts and T-shirt weather isn't far off. The next question is where are they!
Prayers for little Emmy are still being ascended. What a sweetie.
Ah yes...if I would have been anywhere but in the middle of the prairie, I'm sure I would have seen the same attire here in ND. We Northerns like to rush things just a little, don't we!
Happy Super Bowl Day!
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