I finished my mystery quilt. Here it is! I might add a few small embellishments, but all the regular stuff is done, even a label.

These two quilts are for Wrap a Smile. The blue/red one I made when Terry H. was having her heart surgery. I quickly made this one in her honor, but then it took me a long time to get it quilted. The crumbs/Peanuts quilt is made with some high-loft polyester batting which I don't like, but it looks way better after getting washed and dried. Maybe I shouldn't write that batting off as useless. The Peanuts fabric was donated by Katie Q.
And here is the view out my kitchen window! Tonya and a few others were showing this on their blogs. We used to see deer in our back yard until they extended our street and built more houses in the woods. Now we only see deer once or twice a year, if we're lucky. I miss them! When the leaves are fully out, we can't see the neighbor back there at all.
Have a great week, everyone.
Great quilts Carol! I really like the mystery quilt wall hanging!
What a great mystery quilt Carol! Was the mystery the blocks alone, and you made your own setting, or was the whole idea of the tryptic a part of the mystery? I've never seen a mystery quilt with such a creative setting - they're usually a traditional set.
And I always love the setting of medallion surrounded by crumbs. I can't believe that my huge pile of crumbs is GONE - I think there are 5-8 left in the stack, from an original several hundred.
What a fun post. We used to have deer in out yard in Georgia too but when they started running into our terrier they stopped jumping over the fence! (not that he ever did anything but bark at them!)
Great scenery...both in your back woods and in your quilts!
wow - 3 quilts - that first one is a doozy! Very clever.
Now THAT's a cool mystery quilt!
I was wondering what happened to those wonky house blocks. Nice result. and I continue to be amazed at your productivity -- I go in fits and starts. right now I'm busy with work and university deadlines, so I can only look at the fabric, not play with it. thanks for your comments on the stole -- it was a test run, but I made it shorter to suit the wearer and she loves it.
Wonderful quilts, as always! That mystery quilt is fantastic!!
Just wanted you to know that I finally did the Seven Things meme. Took me long enough! And I tagged you back, too. Don't worry, it's an easy one. ;o)
ooh, that mystery quilt turned out really well. very cool. love that top baby quilt with the one patches. lovely view out your window.
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