I finally finished a quilt top! I had been working on it for.ev.er! It's winging its way to Massachusetts as we speak. I hope it gets there in time for the party on 12/16. A bunch of quilts are going to be hung at a veterans' Christmas party. They'll vote on a favorite, and the winner gets a cool prize - something like a $100 gift certificate! The quilts are for a program that gives them to vets living in assistive homes in New England. My understanding is that they need a bit of assistance or programming - can't quite live on their own - so we have been providing quilts for them, and they just love it. Some of them get to be the quilt judges, for which they are very excited. We all used Bali Pops which were given to us FREE. This is the one I made, unquilted because I ran out of time, but we were allowed to send them in unfinished. The pattern is Sister's Choice from Bonnie at quiltville dot com. I set mine on point, because I was running out of time, and the blocks "take up more room" when set this way. Seems funny, but it's true.
The in-laws have survived their first Minnesota snowstorm in 20 years. They are shocked at how cold it can get so quickly. But they're tough and after all, they grew up here. They went right out today and drove many miles to a doctor appointment across town. We'd rather they find a doctor closer to home, but maybe that'll happen after they get everything settled and decided.
We went to a Christmas buffet-party at their new home tonight. Here's a Christmas tree that was in a lobby area. I hope its twinkly lights provide you with some Christmas cheer! Joy to the world!
Great quilt! Great picture of the tree, it's very festive!
Wow for the quilt! It turned out great. Thanks for sharing the tree photo, too!
Your quilt is beautiful! Hey, our college administration group is having a warm clothing + game drive for the Red Shirt School in Hermosa, SD on Pine Ridge! I thought you'd be happy to know :) I plan to bring a game.
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