I have yellow irises in bloom, this purple whatever-it-is, and some daisies. I just love perennial flowers that come up and bloom while I do no work at all!
Last year I had purple irises; this year yellow. I hope they both bloom next year. That would be so pretty... a Vikings flower bed! Rock on!
This pretty basket I bought from the local high school marching band.
On a different subject, I decided I want to buy myself a retirement gift: either a Kindle or a Nook (e-reader). Do any of you have either one? Do you recommend one over the other? I can't see a huge difference, but want to see if there are strong opinions either way.
I hope my book-store-owner sister won't be appalled that I'm buying an e-reader.
Hi Carol! Weighing in on the eReader question, my very best friend in the entire universe (MVBFITEU) has a Kindle and absolutely loves it. I was about to buy one but then I heard that Borders is coming out with the Kobo in June--it's $100 less than the Kindle but sounds pretty comparable so I might get that. Sadly none of them will read competitors formats. Which is why I really want an iPad, but that won't happen until it's been out a while. Anyway, for what it's worth, I guess I'd say get the Kindle (and check out the leather covers at www.oberondesign.com! Stunning!) over the Nook, and consider the Kobo!
i am surprised...the book lover you! But maybe you are more a reader than a lover of the actual book?? Like Katie said..wait til teh Kobe is out and then compare...
My kids bought me a Kindle for Christmas because they know I read all the time. I thought I would miss holding a book but I absolutely love it. My old eyes love that you can enlarge the font. I did buy myself a cover and it helps me feel like I have a book in my hand. Did I say that I love it? By the way, I got a new clothes dryer when I retired!
Can't you try them out in the stores to see which is you prefer? I know I tried an in-store Kindle last year. Woundn't B&N have an in-store Nook to try?
I just looked at some online reviews, and they said the Kindle is easier to use. I've heard that the Sony e-reader (don't know if it has a official name) is nice because it's easier to check out books if your local library has that option.
I know a lot of people who got a kindle or iPads over Christmas and they all love them. I would just recommend getting a leather journal cover for it or something to protect it. I love your blog by the way its very neat.
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