I also made a few quilted gift bags this weekend. I like to use these instead of gift wrap. I make them in a variety of ways.. they are all quilted and lined, and some close with ribbons, some with velcro, and some with buttons. They are NOT peek-proof, so these would not have worked when we had little kids. They would not have worked against me when I was a kid, either. In fact, nothing short of hiding the gifts at Fort Knox worked very well against my snoopiness at Christmas time back in the day!
I remember a few disappointing times when I watched a sibling open a gift that I had found and hoped was for me. And once I saw something through the wrapping paper and figured out what it was. I was sooo excited, but had to keep quiet about it. Then I tried to fake my excitement when I opened it, and I was a very bad actor. Not only did that ruin my fun, but it ruined my mom's, too.
It's more fun being a grown up and not snooping any more. Of course, the fun is different, also, because I'm older and don't need or want much of anything. And my husband is good about leaving a bag lying around. It makes it quite obvious what he got for me.
Were you a Christmas gift snoop as a kid? Do you still snoop???
Your work is exquisite! Omigoodness!
Cute post. :-) I never wanted to snoop when I was a kid, because I love surprises. In fact, once I saw a gift that was partially wrapped, and I was so disappointed.
My favorite gift was my new pair of ice skates when I was eight. I loved them. :-)
Cute bags! I am not much of a snoop. I like to look at my presents, but I don't usually pick them up or anything because I'm REALLY good at guessing stuff and I don't want to know ahead of time.
My sister is a big time guesser. We get creative with our wrapping so that she can't guess what it is. I think this year I may put her gift in a bag....
Cute little gift bags! Next time you should sell those too! :)
I love the fabric on your little bag! They are really cute. Sadly, I was a snooper and felt the same as you, dissappointed and sorry I had gone snooping. Its definitely more fun to be the grown up! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I wish I could have made it to the boutique. Sounds like it went well. At least I can look at your pix. My Thanksgiving company showed up two days early, so had to change several plans. . .
I'm not a snooper. Stumbled upon Santa's stash earlier than I was supposed to as a yougin', announced to my parents and siblings that Santa had already arrived. . . . . in the basement! Siblings were thrilled . . . parents weren't.
I love your blocks. The colors way cool together.
I snooped once or twice for Christmas gifts when I was young. I have a great husband who keeps me in suspense about my gifts and I no longer need to snoop.
I'm not a snooper because I actually do like giving more than getting. I love your bags! When I was a kid I'd be creative with my brothers...small gift in several boxes weighted with rocks, etc.
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