
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Block Parties and an Ugly

I'm playing along with Quilt Pixie as she makes somewhat random blocks each week. She chooses one block out of many, and the rest of us play along, just for fun. I like the idea, because sometimes I love to just sit down and make a block. And I get to play with random fabrics that I love but that are not in current projects in my to-do list. This is my first block: Broken Dishes Variation.

Then I also decided to make a few blocks for Mary and the Heartstrings Project. Here are mine.

And here is my Ugly Quilt. Got it over with on Jan. 3, so the rest of my 2009 quilts will be gorgeous. Isn't that the rule? I made it from scraps and named it Leave No Scraps Behind. I think I should have, though. To make up for its ugliness, it will have this bright and fun backing. Whoever gets this quilt can just turn it over and use the orange side as the top.


  1. love those heart string blocks -- there are a couple that remind me of cut onions but much brighter and fewer tears! :-)

  2. even the ugly has merit... I hope your book shows up! I am getting ready to post my 200th post! Yippee

  3. I love your broken dishes variation and the heartstrings. I love square in a square although I haven't done it lately. And the ugly quilt well, the browns just don't speak to me. Love the fun border!!

  4. I've never just done random blocks although one of these days I want to do a sampler quilt that way.

    Love the Happy Blocks! I'm going to try and assemble my twisted blocks into a top later tonight.

    I like the choice of a fun backing for the Ugly quilt. I made an ugly quilt in the first few months of quilting and gave it to my Mom to use for a raffle at their family reunion. An elderly Aunt of her won the drawing and loved it - go figure!

  5. I LOVE the fabric you used in your broken dishes variation. Gorgeous!!

  6. You, too, have got lots done lately. The fabrics for your random block are really great ... just committing to one block is rather fun, I might have to play along as well. Happy New Year!

  7. Remember that what be ugly to your eyes might be beautiful to someone else :)

  8. I like the ugly quilt. I love all your quilts you post, I think you do great work. :) Plus I don't have the patience for quilting but love the end result!


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