
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Is Your Name Carol?

I'm copying this idea from Julie at Floribunda, who got the idea from someone else. A good idea is worth copying, isn't it? I want to create a link on my sidebar to quilt bloggers named Carol... just for fun. And who knows? Maybe some day we can do a round robin thingy or some sort of exchange or a challenge. How about it? Let me know if you're a quilt blogger named Carol!

And please tell me your middle name if you want to... I'll bet you're either Carol Jean (that's me) or Carol Ann.


  1. mine is Beth Ann... does that count? What a cute idea!

  2. Hi Carol, you left a message on my blog about this idea for bloggers named Carol. Yes, I'm Carol, just Carol not Carolyn or Carole with a "e". Oh to be with a nice middle name like Ann, but no my middle name is Frances. Thanks for the invite. My blog address is:

    Carol from
    Glendale AZ

  3. My name is not Carol but I just want to say how much I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your quilts. It makes me want to start my own blog even more!

    AnnieO in SoCalif


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