
Friday, January 02, 2009

Yoo Hoo! Maaarrrrjorie!

Has anyone seen my book, They Named Me Marjorie? It was making the rounds among several quilters who wanted a turn to read it. Finn even made a bag for it to travel in. I completely lost track of who had it last, and I would like it to come home now.

Do YOU have my book? If so, I would love to see it return to my mailbox. Marjorie is feeling homesick, I think. Please help if you can! Just ask, and I'll give you my address.


  1. I don't have your book, but I wish I did! LOL, I'll have to look for a copy. Hope your's finds it way home soon.

  2. I don't have it either, but perhaps on another "send out" I could be on the list!!! Happy New Year my friend.

  3. Oh that is sad. I wonder if Finn knows where it is?

    My you've been busy over the Christmas/New Year break.


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