
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sometimes I Finish a Project!

Here's a finished quilt! A table runner that someone is getting for Christmas. I am 99.999% sure whoever is going to get this under the tree does not read my blog or know it exists. My co-worker bought this (yes, paid real money to Little Old Me) for a Christmas gift. I hope the person likes it - just in case you are thinking, "ew, I hope Carol's co-worker isn't giving that ugly thing to me!" - I should tell you that the colors and quality are a little off in this picture. In real life it is MUCH prettier than it appears here. You know how it is ... when it comes to quilts, a picture is only worth 47 words.

I received my squares for the Spare Change swap. Aren't they fun? Already they have become another NESY (not even started yet) or PIG (project in grocery bag). This one actually is a PID (project in drawer). I have so many of all those things:
WIP (work in progress)
UFO (unfinished object)
half-baked ideas
and Scraps!!!!!!!!

If I live to be 109, I'll probably still have that many quilty things to finish. I hope my descendants like UFOs!


  1. Finishing is a great feeling and one I haven't had lately. Love the table runner.

  2. I like the table runner. I have to say that I have a drawer full of unfinished projects, a book shelf of scrapbook layouts that don't have a home yet and a notecard box full of projects that I want to do. I have the same issue as's just in the scrapbooking area of crafting. :)

  3. Lovely table runner.

    I sometimes look at my stash and UFO's and wonder what would happen to it all if I got run over tomorrow!

  4. It's beautiful and it must feel great to be all finished!


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