
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm thankful for...

Join Kelli and friends in celebrating Thanksgiving. She's even giving away some prizes!

I have been blessed with many things to be thankful for:

1) my husband. He is such a nice guy and loves me even though I'm half crazy. He is my best friend!

2) living in Minnesota. I love this state. It's beautiful and varied and has lots of lakes which I LOVE.

3) my job. I am so lucky to work for a city school system. I have learned so much from my students. I've had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. I am honored when they share their life stories with me.

4) quilting. I love making quilts! It satisfies my creative urge and has led me to meeting very interesting people and making new friends.


  1. It's nice to hear you share these things you are grateful for...and it is nice to know you are grateful for them more than just today as you already share bits of these blessings through your blog.

    I think its time to reflect again on a few things I'm grateful for. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. What a great post but to be honest I am glad I am not in Minnesota! It is cold enough here for me. I am also glad I don't have a job any more. I worked in public schools for 36 years and loved it but I am loving not doing it too. I am thankful that I discovered quilting. We can agree on that.

  3. What a nice post Carol.... I am thankful that I have Carol as my friend. And I am thankful how and where and why we met!!!

  4. I've only passed through Minn. Sounds lovely.I'm from Indiana

  5. Such a nice post...thanks so much for sharing,

  6. Thank you for joining in and sharing your many blessings with us!


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