
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Retreat! Fall Back!

A quilt retreat is the perfect time to sew your little heart out, at all hours. That's what I did this past weekend. I took Friday off and spent two and a half days sewing, along with a couple dozen other ladies from my guild. We always have a great time. (This was our 5th year of retreating.) When I wasn't sewing, I'd fall back on the bed and read a good book... or take a nice nap.

I got a lot done! It feels great. I would have liked to finish more, but after all, my time was finite.

Now I wish I had another day or two for catching up on home stuff. But.. duty calls. Tomorrow morning it's back to work.

Some of these I made from scratch... others were in progress, and I finished them. I got started on some other stuff, too, so luckily, I won't run out of things to do.


  1. It looks like you got a ton done and it sounds like you had fun! I love long weekends of crafting! Can't wait to see you Tuesday!

  2. I love the brown and gold mom gave us one like that when we got married...but it got wrecked.. I should have kept it..yikes... I also love the last one with the small squares! Great work!

  3. Wow - what a lot done!

    I love the red white and blue one and, of course, the red and white. What's happening to this one?

  4. Wow, you were so productive! I love all of your quilts. my mother did one very similar to the red and white one. I love the red white and blue and the bargello. I am sure it was great to get away and not worry about anything but sewing.

  5. Yay! I see my red & white block! A quilting retreat sounds like fun right about now.


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