
Monday, November 24, 2008

Emmy and the Lost Quilt

Hey, with a cool title like "Emmy and the Lost Quilt," I could turn into a mystery writer! Or maybe I could just write the titles, and someone else write the books.

Emmy is the little Sweet Pea who endured major surgery ten days ago. At the time, they thought she would be in the hospital perhaps as long as until today or even longer! However, she fooled them all and bounced back very quickly, was able to go home in just under 48 hours. She is back to her spunky self! This news was fantastic for her family, as she had previously had difficulties and setbacks with other procedures. They needed a happy experience like this one, and they got it big time! Hooray for Spunky Emmy! And thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Emmy and her family.

The Lost Quilt has nothing to do with Emmy. I just happened to find it today and finally decide what to do with it (donate it to Wrap Them in Love). This is one of my early quilts. I was in a block swap and got the birdhouse, the cow, the baby carriage, and the tree with no trunk from other people. I made the rest of the blocks. I always really liked this quilt top and had a hard time parting with it. But... today while cleaning I ran across it again and decided it was NOT worth having this top sit around unused for over eight years. I have to get this quilt into circulation with some little cutie pie... so off it goes to a machine quilter and eventually to Wrap Them in Love.

Here are the blocks I made that I was so pleased with... and the reason it was hard for me to give this quilt away. After eight years, I believe now I am ready to part with it.


  1. that quilt is darling! I love the dog block!
    hmmm, I know who'd like a quilt like that! thanks!

  2. I love the puppy! Good Work!

  3. I love the way you put odd sized blocks together. Whoever gets it will love it too.

  4. Since it has given you so much joy, just think how much joy it will give to the person who receives it! It is absolutely darling.

  5. Somewhere a child is waiting for that quilt. It will give them so much joy.

  6. What a great mix of blocks. It will give a child a great variety of things to look and enjoy.

  7. Cute quilt! Wouldn't it be nice if we could finish everything we wanted to? I've got several cute tops I need to quilt but somehow I keep reaching for those donated HeartStrings tops - probably because the backings are usually prepared already.

  8. I LOVE IT!! Nice of you to put in the school bus - to cool!! I drive a school bus, but you don't usually see them on quilts. Very nice!


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