
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sewing Machine is Smoking!

Lately I have been sewing like a mad woman! Last Saturday I took a mystery class, finished it during the next two days, and now I'm working on the binding. I'll post a picture here when I get it done. I also made a couple more Christmas gift bags, and I have some tote bags cut out and ready to sew.

This quilt is one I made for To The Top Project which is a Yahoo group. We make quilts for veterans who live in various vet residences in New England. This will be quilted by one of our members who does almost all the quilting for this group. She's a gem! I like making quilts for this project, because the quilts go to the "forgotten" vets who are from Viet Nam and even from WWII, and also now a few from the Gulf Wars are starting to show up.

I've been feeling so inspired to sew a lot lately, and frustrated that I have to work and can't sew as often as I want. I almost wish I would enter one of my less-inspired moods so I could give my poor sewing machine a rest! How much do you bet that when I have spring break in a few weeks I'll have the time to sew but not the inspiration?!


  1. isn't that how it works -- inspiration and motivation are the products of limited time, it spurs us to not waste the moments we can carve out... Then, when I've got a week, hey, why not procrastinate :-)

  2. Spring break? Wait. You don't fly to Cancun or South Padre or somewhere?! lol

    Enjoy your create muse!

  3. Ain't that always the way?! Take advantage of it while you can and then kick back and enjoy spring break without guilt :- )

  4. And that group is so appreciate of the quilts sent. I got a lovely note after I quilted and sent on the string top you'd made.

  5. I'm sure the vets really appreciate the quilts. I still have a small quilt I received during Desert Storm that was made by a woman in West Virginia.


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