
Friday, February 22, 2008

Here's My Kaleidoscope

This pattern is Kaleidoscope by Cranberry Cupboards. I made this several years ago for my friend. That's me on the right and my friend on the left. Check out the pretty one Malagueta made for her own Domino challenge. I'm not going to do a Domino challenge, but thought I'd post a picture of my Kaleidoscope. Hers is WAY different.. go check it out!


  1. Oooh. That is pretty! So rich looking. I don't know how many times I've seen that quilt pattern...and I always say to myself "...hmm...wonder who wrote this pattern?"

    Turn left and travel waaaaaay over to the West...and play 'tag' with me. (OK. I know. It's late. You can just stay your 'puter...and play from there if you want to.... Please?!) ;-)

    Stay warm!

  2. Oh that quilt is lovely. I love the rich browns and the red in there is just enough.

  3. I like yours *and* hers! They're both beautiful, in their own way. I kind of like the idea of a Domino challenge too...


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