
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Quilts for Panama

These two quilts are going to be hand carried to Panama! I am hoping they can be donated to two little kids in the hospital where I was born 55 years ago! (I don't even know if the hospital is still in existence.) Remember voting on the setting for the quilt on the left? This setting got a lot of votes, and I decided to go with it. I am *hoping hoping hoping* that I will be lucky enough to get pictures of the little kids who receive these quilts. If not, that's OK, too... but if I do, I will be thrilled, and will share the pictures with you here.


  1. great job, Carol. These quilts will bring warmth and joy to the children who receive them.

  2. What a great idea. These are great quilts for lucky litle kids.

  3. Two great kid quilts, and they'll have a good home. I especially like the blue one - the setting is so clever.

  4. Oh gosh, Carol, it's always such a treat to drop by here and see your beautiful quilts! And what joy these two will bring to those children. Very special!

    Congratulations on your two ribbons at the show, too. You deserve it! Thanks for stopping by. ;o)

  5. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The quilts are terrific! I enjoy the pictures--such a treat.

  6. Very cool quilts...these quilts are sure to warm lucky little ones! was the blue setting one with the crumb blocks hard to do?


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