
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Podcast Recommendation: Threshold

I listen to a lot of podcasts. Some are mildly interesting, some are riveting. One I'm going to recommend is Threshold. I discovered it recently. They have completed two seasons, I think, but I have only listened to Season One so far. Season One takes an in-depth look at the bison/buffalo in North American history and in current wildlife management programs, focusing on herds in Montana and in Yellowstone National Park. It is so interesting, and I hope some of you take time to listen to the whole season.

Apparently each season will focus on one topic. I don't yet know the topics for the next seasons. I think they may have already started Season Three. If they are all this well done, I am (and you are) in for a treat!

Where can you find podcasts? At Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and lots of places. I have an app on my phone called Castbox. That's what I use. It's easy to do a search and find all kinds of interesting podcasts from all over the world. I started with CBC (Canadian Broadcast Company). They had some great ones; I especially recommend Someone Knows Something. It's not being currently produced, but what they did in the past was excellent. And once you get hooked in one, they'll often recommend others, so the ideas soon become never-ending and overwhelming. But fun! I love to listen and learn while I sew.

I wish U.S. Americans would be better educated on the buffalo and the current issues, so I hope some of you take advantage of this free resource (and our current free time) and give it a listen.

P.S. I'm aware that most people know how to find podcasts, but there are some in my generation who might be slower to catch on, so that's why I give details on how to find podcasts and how to listen. In fact, I know a certain person of my age range who used to complain "What does that mean?" when radio shows would say "listen to this wherever you get your podcasts". I was in the dark for a while, too.

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