Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates -- 5 stars
The author writes this book to his son. He explains his own life: how he grew up on city streets, learned what it means to be a black youth in America, and as he grows up he also analyzes what American society does to the lives of black people in general and black males in particular.
As a white person who spent many years being for-the-most-part oblivious, this was an important book to read and to attempt to comprehend. To be honest, the author is so intelligent and able to deeply analyze behaviors and society and history; I had a hard time grasping it all. I do feel grateful to have had this look at my white (dominant) culture in an illuminating way. I imagine a person could read this book many times and get more out of it each time.
In Five Years by Rebecca Serle -- 4 stars
This book was pretty good.. I listened to the audio version. I think my reviews are subject to change depending on whether I read a hard copy (including Kindle) or if I listen to an audio version. I'm not completely comfortable with audio books, but I get them occasionally so I can do projects while I listen. I think I am more forgiving when listening to an audio book. So.. I don't know what I would think if I had read this myself, but I liked it pretty well as an audio book.
The idea of it was interesting. The main character is in a certain life, and then she wakes up five years ahead in the future. I liked how the author played it out. It surprised me a little, and I was glad the ending wasn't exactly what the main character thought it all meant. The book is a bit of a tear jerker, although I myself shed no tears. I can imagine me at a younger age crying over it, though.
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