
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Book Reviews: Two Books

Because I Was a Girl: True Stories for Girls of all Ages edited by Melissa de la Cruz

Stories by girls and women born in various decades, from the 1920s to the 2000s. All of them are about persevering against obstacles put in place because they were girls/women. The stories are very inspiring. I loved all of them. I am going to donate this book to a school library so that more girls can be inspired by the examples of grit and determination by our foremothers and our peers.

And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

This wonderful book is about extended family members. As the stories unfold over generations, you see how they are all looped together via obvious or tenuous family ties. Very interesting twists and turns affect people's lives in complicated ways. The book is very moving. Hosseini is a great writer!


  1. Thanks, Carol! I really like your book reviews.

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