
Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Bit of Travel

I was lucky to join some friends for a short quilting expedition in Bayfield, Wisconsin. What a pretty little town, right on the south shore of Lake Superior. I got a lot of sewing done, and one day a few of us went for a swim in Lake Superior. If you don't know already, Lake Superior is huge and very deep, and is known for being too cold for swimming. However, this little beach was at a small bay, so the water had the opportunity to warm up a bit more than the huge lake does. "A bit" is the operative phrase here. It was still QUITE COLD and hard to get in, but once in - Wow! - it was so refreshing! It was truly a highlight of my summer!

After about 24 hours at home, I turned around and left again, this time headed to my sister's lake home for a time there with the three sisters. I took along some sewing and got a whole quilt top made. We had fun relaxing and shopping in the little nearby town and swimming once, because it warmed up to 70 deg. F, so we decided it was warm enough to swim. That was another fun and refreshing swim.

I can feel that my summer is complete, because I have now gone swimming in three different bodies of water: a lovely big lake in my old home town (haven't lived there since 1970); Lake Superior; the lake where my sister's lake home is. We all grew up there, the cabin having been established by our parents in 1964. So it is the lake of my heart.

Anyway, I love to swim in lakes, much preferable to pools in my opinion, because of how I grew up around lakes. This is why I say my summer is not complete unless I get a chance to swim in some lakes.

Here is the top I made while visiting with my sisters. I took a zillion pictures of it, just to test out different places and see how it looked. I'm only sharing a few of them with you (feel lucky; I have lots more - LOL).


  1. I'm so glad you got to swim in your beloved lake(s)! Here in Lake Huron, the water is about 69 degrees, too cold for us. We're used to MUCH warmer waters in Florida! But we're enjoying how clear and beautiful the water is.

    This is a great quilt top! I love how the red and white alternating sashing ties all those crumbs together :)

  2. I wish we had thought to measure the temperature of Lake Superior! Maybe next year.

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