
Thursday, November 17, 2016

My VFW Quilt

I'm taking a little break in the Houston action to show you a quilt I finished for me, myself, and I. This quilt is made entirely of one line of fabric, something I have never done before. The fabric is Mostly Manor designed by Victoria Findlay Wolfe (VFW). Even the back and the binding are from this line.

While working with these fabrics, I fell in love with them. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful together. I am super happy with this quilt except for one tiny flaw: I wish I had made it one row longer. Other than that, it is perfect. It even has wool batting, which I love. It was machine quilted by Diane Schotl.

I kept taking pictures, because I love the colors so much. Thanks for a great line of fabric, VFW!

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