
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Houston #3

Back to some quilts from the show at Houston. This will be my last Houston post because.. it's time to move on and talk about the present, not the past. (Real meaning = I'm feeling too lazy to keep posting a bunch of quilt photos.)

I really liked the Lion King exhibit -- a Cherrywood Fabrics challenge. Quilts were beautiful.

the Quilts Beyond Borders booth.. quilts for sale include this one by fellow Sunshine member Charlotte K. (I believe I saw two of hers for sale, but only photographed one), and one by me. The person sitting and smiling is Carla T., one of the regional reps. And Cousin Beth is there turning in some finished quilts for donating to kids.

Best of Show: Reflections of Cape Town by Cynthia England

Gammill Master Award for Contemporary Artistry: Unknown Man by Marina Landy and Maria Lucia Azara

If you ever get a chance to go to Houston, take time to go visit the Johnson Space Center. It's very interesting!


  1. Thank you for posting all the great pictures from the Houston show, I enjoyed the Lion King exhibit pics.

  2. Geri, glad you enjoyed them. I did, too.


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