
Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I was able to mostly clean up the iron smear on this little quilt, and I finished it last night. I think this one is kinda cute!! I might buy it back from myself at our small quilt auction! LOL.

Yesterday I finished these two quilts which are community service quilts for/from my local guild:

The next pictures are also community service quilts, completed by several different people in our guild. Please pardon all the excessive photographing... it was a beautiful day, and I was having fun posing the quilts all over the place. (Of course, I hope you enjoy looking at the photos.)
showing some of the quilt backs

Below, this grave marker was for a young woman who died at age 23 in 1898. I thought she might appreciate having a couple of quilts for comfort.

"Meow. Thanks for visiting my grandma's blog."


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Love your small quilt and enjoyed the photo shoot. Nice surroundings to play with.

  2. Good thing I'm not where you are or I'd be fighting with you for that little quilt.

    Your photo shoot pics are wonderful - glad you had a nice day to enjoy it all.

  3. Where are you? The buildings remind me of Fort Snelling. Loved the cemetery shots. We just need some green grass and leaves!


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