
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

An Inexpensive E-Book

My friend, Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew, has written her first novel. (Her previous writings have been spiritual memoirs.) I have read it and enjoyed it. It is a very good story, and she is such a thoughtful writer! If you choose to read her book, Hannah, Delivered, you won't be sorry! It is currently available as an e-book for 99 cents, only through March 22. I recommend that you hop on over to your e-book provider and buy yourself a good book at this bargain price... Kindle, Nook, and Kobo.

P.S. EJA is teaching a writing course at Madeline Island this summer, and there are three seats left! Google Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew, and you'll find her blog and can get info on taking her class! Again, you won't be sorry!

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