
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

What I Can't Say

I was hoping to announce that "the eaglet has landed," meaning I'd heard from my son and that he is safely moved into his new home in Korea. Sadly, I have not yet heard from him. I know he's probably busy moving into an apartment, meeting his new colleagues, touring the school where he'll work, and starting training. Plus, his cell phone is in limbo, being switched over to a Korean carrier, so he's not easy to contact for a while.

But, I'm tapping my foot impatiently, waiting to hear. I'll be able to relax when I know he's there and safe.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping myself busy. I have been making stuff with zippers! It's so much fun! I learned a new way to install them, and it's not even "scary," like zippers used to be when I sewed garments. Here are some examples:

Some of these were made from treasures I found in my sister's donated scrap bags, such as the jeans pockets that were already cut to that size, and there are also several small upholstery scraps that make good little bags. I made one as a gift for my sister and sent it as a surprise in the mail (I guess I didn't get a picture of it).

The green one with slanty zipper is a perfect size for my circular knitting needles! So I'm keeping that, otherwise I'm making these for sale at our local quilt guild's show which is coming up in April.

I have a few other items I'm making for sale then, too.. but those pictures will be in another blog post, hopefully accompanied by the words "the eaglet has landed."


  1. great little bags!

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I just imagine your house being so colorful with all the items you make. Great zipper projects! I hope you hear from your son, soon.


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