
Thursday, March 06, 2014

The Eaglet Has Landed!

Hooray! Son has arrived at his destination in Korea. He didn't have time to write a lot, just to let us know he had arrived. Things were in a bit of confusion, but he had received his materials and was going to start teaching today, I think (time zones are so different, it's hard to say, exactly). I hope it goes well! I'm relieved to have heard from him.

So now I can show you a few other items I have been working to complete:

Of course, I didn't make this, but while running errands a couple weeks ago, I spotted this quilt pattern on the back of a commercial building. Pretty, n'est-ce pas?

Below: more items for sale at our up-coming quilt show.

Table toppers and pot holders.

Now I can go back to sewing with a peaceful heart.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    So glad your heart is peaceful now.


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