
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Round and Round We Go

This is getting old. Mom went home from the hospital and was feeling GREAT. But during that first night at home, she once again was in pain, and it has been getting worse.

I came back home, because I have things to do, and I thought Mom's pain was at a bearable level until she sees the doctor again this week. It was true at the time, but after I left, her pain got a lot worse.

My sister is staying with Mom tonight. She lives in the same town and has been overburdened with Mom care. That's one reason I like to go to help out -- not only to be with my mom, but to give my sister a break, too.

We're worried about our mom, and my sister is getting exhausted and losing sleep along with my mom's loss of sleep. This is frustrating. No one seems to really know what is going on with our mom. Prayers and good thoughts are being requested once again.

Hoping to have good news that is lasting good news.... soon.


  1. So sorry to hear that your Mom isn't doing so well again. I know how frustrating it is to have no answers. My best wishes and healing thoughts to you and her.

  2. Prayers for your Mom, you and your family.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Is it possible to switch hospitals? We did that for my husband, the first hospital really failed him, they couldn't diagnose his pain, it was neuropathy of the stomach. We're between LA and San Diego, and we switched to a Scripps hospital in SD. He got a correct diagnosis and treatment.

    Wishing your Mom and your family the bes

  5. Hope your Mum can find relief quickly from her health issues. Stressful times for yourself, sister and family. Wishing you all the best.


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