
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Mom: Good News

My mom is doing very well! She recovered from her awful bout of "inflammatory gout." They found a couple of other slight issues which they will be watching - nothing life threatening. And she'll be getting physical therapy at home, which is nice. She is going home from the hospital today!

Thank you so much for all the comments and thoughts and prayers. I REALLY appreciate each one!!

Now I have to figure out when to drive back home. We got about 5 inches of snow overnight, and more on the way. With snow also about to start back at home... who knows when is the best driving?!

Spring is coming... spring is coming...


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    early afternoon- warmest time of the day, usually.
    have a safe trip. a hug to your mom.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    C: I got goosebumps when I read your good news! Take care on your drive back home. Yea for your Mom!!!


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