in which I write about quilts, dreams, everyday life, and almost nothing about giraffes
Sunday, April 07, 2013
Trying Again.. for the 46 Millionth Time
I decided to keep my gym membership and try to get back into the exercise habit. Of course, I never developed the habit. I just had one somewhat good month of fairly regular attendance. I don't call that a habit. I have heard so many times: just keep doing something regularly for two or three weeks, and it will become a habit. That has never worked for me. Maybe it works for you "normies," but it doesn't seem to work for a person like me with ADD or whatever I have... short attention span, easily bored, distracted by what seems loads more fun. It could even be pure laziness. I'm still hoping for that magic pill I can take that will make me slim and beautiful, and able to eat whatever I want.
My doctor sort of inspired me. Or maybe it was my good numbers. My warning-sign numbers were all good (blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose), but my triglycerides need some work. Exercise and weight loss are supposed to help those numbers go down. So, with a heavy sigh, and a nod to my aging process, I am trying once again to make it a habit to go to the gym. Really, it's not that bad. If I can just get myself out the door and on my way, the rest isn't so bad.
Spring is still coming VERY reluctantly here. Yesterday we had snow in the air. It stuck to the grass for a while and then melted. We still have clumps of snow where it was piled high and hasn't melted yet. I don't believe we've been into the 60's yet this spring. We'll likely get snow again before it stops for good. I hope we don't miss spring entirely and go directly from cold to 90 degrees F and humid. That's been known to happen!
Whatever it does, I hope I manage to get myself to the gym the proper number of times. Maybe even lose a pound or two. I can't let the weather be my excuse, since the gym is heated and cooled as needs dictate. It also has lighting, nice equipment, and I feel safe there. All my excuses are gone.
I'd still rather be doing this:
It's my first attempt at knitting mittens. I've made a lot more progress on this since I took the photo. I'm working on the thumb gusset (is that the right word?) and hoping it looks OK and doesn't leave too many holes. Holes and mittens go together like ice cream and sour kraut. Yum.
Good luck on getting to the gym. While I love all weather, I am a fair weather walker. And in Iowa, there are only about 4 "fair weather" days a year here in Iowa. So I don't walk much outside. There is a small gym type thing here in our small town, but I just don't have the desire to go there and walk on a treadmill.