
Friday, April 05, 2013

Friday Books: Changing My Method

You may know from my bookshelf in the sidebar that I am a member of Goodreads(dot)com. That is where I keep track of the books I have read and books I am hoping to read. I also joined a book group there and enjoy our monthly book discussions. When I finish a book, I write up a review and give the book a rating: 1-5 stars.

I have been posting the same book review here at my blog. Sometimes the book I read shows up on my Goodreads bookshelf (in the sidebar) several days before it gets posted here at my blog.

I have decided to change my Friday Books postings a little. From now on I am simply going to tell you the names of the books I finished during this week, and refer you to the Goodreads shelf in my sidebar. To read my review, just click on the book on the shelf. This way you can read my review right away when it appears (if you wish to), or you can wait until I remind you on Fridays, and then go read my review using that bookshelf.

Got it? I hope this makes sense. It was beginning to feel silly to post a review at Goodreads and then, several days later, post the same review here at my blog. Friday Books will now just be a reminder to check out my shelf and read my reviews, if you haven't already done so.

The book I read and reviewed this week was A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Gou. It is the red-cover book on my shelf. When you hold your mouse over the book, its title and author show up just under the book icons. Click on the book, and you'll see my review.

Au revoir for now, and as I say to the student I tutor every week, "keep reading!"


  1. There is an automated process at Goodreads that allows you to copy and paste the exact review including a cover photo of the book to your blog. It is almost effortless.

    If you want to try it, just go to your review that you would like to publish here, and hit edit.

    Then click the button at the bottom without making any changes.

    Now look to the right and you will see a window the the HTML code of your review. The window is small but the entire review is in the window when you scroll.

    Highlight ALL of the code in the window, you will have to scroll to the end, and copy it.

    Start your new blogger post as usual, be sure to give it a title.

    Paste the code that you copied from Goodreads into the post editor box.

    Hit publish and you are done. If you want to add material, edit it after you publish it for the first time.

    It works slick. Plus it puts in an automated link to Goodreads for your other reviews.

  2. Thanks, S. I don't want my review to pop up at my blog on any old day, so I'm going to do it my way, if you please. I have my category of "Friday Books" and don't want to change it to "any old day books". Thanks, though.

  3. Ooops. I didn't quite explain that right. It is not automatic, where it posts to your blog by itself. Nothing will pop up on it own.

    It is automatic in that it provides all the html code for your blog post. You still have to copy and paste the contents into your blog. It just provides a very easy method for you to copy and paste an attractively formatted copy of your review with a cover photo. It does not automatically post your reviews to your blog.

    Sorry about the confusion, automatic was a poor choice of words. You still have to do your blogger post in the usual way. Actually the only thing, this provides for you over just copying and pasting your review in the standard way is the cover photo and a link back to your goodreads reviews.

    I have used it with several of my reviews and it works very nice, you don't have to do anything but provide a title for the post and hit paste. Again sorry for the confusion, it does not automatically copy ALL your reviews to your blog.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Just stopping by to catch up on my blog reading. I always like to see what you are reading and what you are sewing. I thought of you thins week when I was at a Mexican market. They had a giraffe piƱata there.

  5. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for checking about the string blocks I have six or eight more on the way, and that will give me plenty.


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