
Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Quilt for a Friend

This quilt was made from a pattern called Five and Dime, published by All Washed Up Quilts. I put it together while at a retreat last fall, it was machine quilted in January, it hung in my guild show during the month of February, and I gave it to my friend, H, in April, to celebrate her birthday. I was told strictly not to give her a gift, but I disobeyed. I had to, because it had been in the works for so long, and I knew it was for her all along. Sorry, H, I had to be nice to you! (She loved it.)

I'm also making blocks for the Color Challenge over at Bumble Beans 15-Minute Play blog. She gives us an unusual color to work with every week. So far we've had mauve, ochre, and avacado. Thank goodness she shows examples, or I wouldn't even know what some of those words mean! It's fun to incorporate old colors, using more modern colors with them, and making modern quilt blocks. There is never a dull moment in the quilting world!

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