
Monday, April 16, 2012

Is It May Yet?

(couldn't get my photo to upload.. grrr)

April has been very busy; I am glad it is half over. Half of the activities on my calendar are done. I will be thrilled when May rolls around, and ALL my April events will be done, and I can catch my breath. I have two big events this next Saturday, one on Sunday, two on Monday, and I have to work three days next week. For a semi-retired person, three work days feels like way too many!!

May used to be a super busy month. At least in the old days when we had kids at home, May was busy. May was always full of concerts, rehearsals and recitals, end-of-year significant events, graduation parties, busy things at church. Now that we have an empty nest, May isn't usually as hectic. So I'm looking forward to May for a much-needed breather.

I haven't had time to do much sewing or knitting, but I have been squeezing in some good reading. I have been on a reading rampage and almost everything I've read has been excellent. Currently I am reading My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira. Another good one, though I'm not very far into it yet, so I could still change my mind.

Do you know that yesterday around here it was sunny and 70 degrees, and today it was in the low 40's, rainy, windy, and cold? Brrr! I almost lit a fire in our fireplace but decided not to as I was just too darn lazy. I watched "Dancing With the Stars" on TV with a quilt on my lap in lieu of a fire in the fireplace.

Oh, and hubby and I are so on-the-ball. We just finished our 2011 taxes at 10:45 PM on April 16. Why hurry with these things??

Is it May yet?


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    No need to hurry on the taxes. I heard that there was a backlog from folks who had filed early anyway. I guess refunds were delayed wuite a bit because of that. Good to get them in on time, though. Almost May. Hang in there!

  2. Why is it easier to do taxes on April 14 than February 16th?

    I let my financial consultant do them now. It cost $80 and is well worth it.

    I used to love May, it was my favorite month, and then it got too hot. So my favorite month became April. Although it cooled some, we had two days in the 80's and it is supposed to shoot up again tomorrow. So maybe my favorite month will have to be March. Oh but wait we had two weeks of temps in the 80s in March. Is my favorite month going to be February? I certainly loved our snowless winter, but I love cool spring time weather. It seems any more we are heading to a two seasons, winter and summer.


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