
Friday, August 05, 2011

Reading ARCs

Crazy for Books blog sponsors a Friday book blogger hop and a question we are to answer each week. Check out Crazy for Books here, and visit all the book blogs!

Book Blogger Hop

(BTW, mine is sometimes a quilt and sometimes a knitting and sometimes a life in general blog, in addition to being a book blog.)

Here's the question for the week:
“What is the one ARC you would love to get your hands on right now?”

For those of you who don't know, ARC means Advanced Reader's Copy. It's a pre-publication copy of the book that publishers send out to booksellers and others who can read, review and begin to promote the book. So when publication date arrives, those who have read the ARC can more effectively sell the book.

Since my sister owns a bookstore, Cherry Street Books, I have been lucky enough to get my hands on several ARCs. Sometimes, however, I don't get them until the book is already published. That is the case for the one I want to read next. One of the workers at Cherry Street Books offered me the ARC for State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. Turns out it was in use and not available, so I didn't get to grab it. Hopefully I'll get a turn at it before long. I'm eager to read that book.

I don't live in the same town as Cherry Street Books, so I'm not always current with which books are about to come out and am not right there to get hold of the newest ARCs. I just feel lucky to get to read some ARCs, no matter how new or old they may be.

1 comment:

  1. State of Wonder is wonderful! Hope you get to read it soon. How nice to have a bookseller in the family. I think bookstores and libraries are perfect workplaces!


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