
Saturday, August 06, 2011

More From Atlanta

The official photos from my recent conference in Atlanta have just been posted, so I'm sharing a few with you, to show more of the work part of my recent week in Georgia; well, except for the first photo which is a party focusing on food.

Opening reception with lots of yummy treats; I didn't get to go, but I met the woman on the right (Erin, from Alabama)

Another woman I met, Donna from Georgia, was in a workshop asking a question

Every day we had free smoothies!

One super-fun thing about these conferences is that everywhere you look, there is cool ASL going on (American Sign Language).

It is such a beautifully expressive language!

Richard, from Minnesota

David, from Minnesota

Wink, performing at the entertainment portion. He was fabulous and is coming to Minnesota on Aug 19. I might go see him again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    What great photos of a visual language at work! I'm jealous of the free daily smoothies, though! Aren't you still amazed everyday at the length of career you had using sign language? Thanks for sharing.


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