
Friday, June 18, 2010

Sneak Peek at Quilts

I spent the day at the Minnesota Quilters' annual quilt show. It was great!! I took a bunch of pictures, but my battery died. Too bad, because there were still a zillion more fab.u.lous quilts to see. What talent!

I'm not going to post my quilt pictures yet. I want to find a program book and see if I can identify who made them.. give credit where credit is due. I foolishly neglected to get a program book when I was there. But you do get a sneak peek at some of them in these photos of people.

My job today (self-imposed) was to photograph any members of my local quilt guild that I ran across. My gosh, we were everywhere! And again, I missed some, because my battery died. Apologies to J., S., L., who I missed photographing, and possibly even more than that!

J. and R., mother and daughter, with ?? (a cousin, I think?)

C.. I caught her in a rare serious moment

B., sorry I wobbled terribly on this one!

M. and K.

J... walking around on her new hip!

Back: me, P. Front: R., JL, M., K., JR

Unofficial work-outs today included some housework that got me huffing and puffing and walking all around the quilt show, plus 4 blocks from my car to the show and back. I should have worn my pedometer!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Too bad retirement inludes housework, eh? Love the quilt show photos.


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